ist publishing

publishing house

ist publishing

About the publishing house

IST Publishing started its activities on the Ukrainian book market in 2017. The founders of the company were prominent art critic Kateryna Nosko, Anastasia Leonova and Borys Filonenko.

IST Publishing's specialty is literature devoted toartand modern culture. In the assortment of the publishing house, you will find both studies of domestic art and translations of classic works on the philosophy of art and its history, art books and interesting collections of essays.

The publishing house's mission is to create a favorable environment for the exchange of ideas and opinions about contemporary art. Among the leading authors of IST Publishing, you will meet such famous names as Pavlo Makov, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Yevgenia Belorusets, Marlis de Munch and many others.

The diversity of the company's range invites readers into the fascinating world of architecture and art. You can buy IST Publishing books conveniently and quickly on the website of the Tira online store.

16 Results

16 Results

Купити книгу Сміливі нести світло / Brave to Bring the Light. Фотобук


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Євген Нікіфоров, Поліна Байцим. Книга Чипси: Українські наївні мозаїки, 1950–90

Chips: Ukrainian naive mosaics, 1950–90 Evgeny Nikiforov, Polina Baitsym


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From 1914 till Ukraine. Каталог виставки в Художньому музеї Штутґарта. Картинка 1

From 1914 to Ukraine. Catalog of the exhibition at the Stuttgart Art Museum Kateryna Semenyuk, Oksana Dovgopolova, Anne Fite


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SAINTS by Sasha Maslov
Саша Маслов. SAINTS. Картинка 2

SAINTS by Sasha Maslov Sasha Maslov


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Unit price

MacPaw. Innovation in isolation: the story of Ukrainian IT from the 1940’s to present

Innovation in isolation: the story of Ukrainian IT from the 1940's to the present Volodymyr Nevzorov, Victoria Ugryumova


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Уляна Биченкова, Ніка Кудінова, Альона Соломадіна. Постери У,Н,А колектив. Картинка 1
Уляна Биченкова, Ніка Кудінова, Альона Соломадіна. Постери У,Н,А колектив. Картинка 2

Posters U,N,A team Ulyana Bychenkova, Nika Kudinov, Alyona Solomadina


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Павло Маков. До По. Картинка 1
Павло Маков. До По. Картинка 2

To Po Pavel Makov


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Unit price

Настя Калита, Світлана Лібет. YOUR ART, 2019/2020
Настя Калита, Світлана Лібет. YOUR ART, 2019/2020. Картинка 1

YOUR ART Nastya Kalita, Svetlana Libet


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Unit price

Борис Філоненко, Данил Штангеєв, Антон Резніков. У м'яті
Борис Філоненко, Данил Штангеєв, Антон Резніков. У м'яті. Картинка 2

In mint Boris Filonenko, Danylo Shtangeev, Anton Reznikov


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Kateryna Nosko, Valeria Lukyanets. Where curating is: the artist-as-curator and the curator-as-artist in Ukraine from the 1980s to the 2010s. Картинка 1
Kateryna Nosko, Valeria Lukyanets. Where curating is: the artist-as-curator and the curator-as-artist in Ukraine from the 1980s to the 2010s. Картинка 2


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Богдан Волинський, Олег Дроздов. Розмови про архітектуру, 2022

Conversations about architecture, 2022 Bohdan Volynskyi, Oleg Drozdov


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Unit price

Pavlo Makov. Fountain of Exhaustion. ACQUA ALTA. Картинка 1

Fountain of Exhaustion. ACQUA ALTA Pavel Makov


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Unit price

Publishing Houses

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