Marketing and advertising


The highest price is ₴390.00

Метью Діксон, Брент Адамсон. Суперпродавці. Як навчитися продавати, а не впарювати


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Еліз Вайт . Універсальна теорія котиків в інтернеті.  Як культура впливає на технології і навпаки


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Грегг Вітт. Покоління зумерів. Як бренди формують довіру.


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Джоні Берґер. Заразливий. Психологія вірусного маркетингу

Contagious. Psychology of viral marketing


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Марк Лівін. Сторітелінг для очей, вух і серця

Storytelling for the eyes, ears and heart


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Вілл Сторр. Наука сторітелінгу. Чому історії впливають на нас і як ними впливати на інших


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Раджа Раджаманнар. Квантовий маркетинг. Новий спосіб мислення

Quantum Marketing. A new way of thinking


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Reading marketing literature can be just as effective as continuing education courses. Learning, in particular through professional literature, allows you to create a reliable foundation for your own business, built on theories and global experience.

Quality marketing books offer an overview of current trends, market segmentation, value creation strategies, competition, and performance monitoring. They contain real cases that make the material more understandable and practical.

Marketing Literature: From Beginners to Professionals

Modern business needs strategic thinking. Books on advertising and sales help you learn how to plan, build relationships with advertising agencies, and maintain sales levels even in times of crisis. They can be written in both living and academic language, but should always contain real business examples.

Creative marketing

The uniqueness of the product and a stable target audience are the basis of any successful strategy. Books for marketers often bring up the topic of creativity, combining it with digital technologies and promotion in social networks. This is the literature that stands at the forefront of innovation.

Studying marketing through books is an opportunity to gain knowledge and experience that will help in the development of your own business and career.

The modern business world requires constant learning and adaptation to new realities. In order to be successful in this field, it is important to study various aspects of entrepreneurial activity. In particular, literature frombusinessandeconomyprovides a deep understanding of market mechanisms and financial strategies. Books aboutmanagement and leadershiphelp to develop the skills of effective management of teams and organizations. For those who seek personal growth and development, the sectionself-development and motivationoffers many useful books.

Questions and answers

In our store you will find books that will teach you how to sell online. Literature covers e-commerce strategies, marketing tools and sales techniques.