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Ніколло Мак'явеллі. Державець. Флорентійські хроніки

The ruler Florentine chronicles Niccollo Machiavelli


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Насім Ніколас Талеб. Чорний лебідь. Про (не)ймовірне у реальному житті

Black swan. About the (un)probable in real life Nasim Nicholas Taleb


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Секс та релігія. Від балу цноти до благословенної гомосексуальності? автора Даг Эйстейн Эндшь

Sex and religion. From chastity ball to blessed homosexuality? Doug Eystein Endshow


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Лібертаріанська перспектива. Від посткомунізму до вільного суспільства авторів Валентин Хохлов, Сергей Башлаков, Владимир Золотарев

A libertarian perspective. From post-communism to a free society Valentin Khokhlov, Sergey Bashlakov, Vladimir Zolotarev


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Одед Ґалор. Подорож людства. Витоки багатства і нерівності


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Дебра Со. Кінець гендеру.  Розвінчання міфів про стать та ідентичність


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Сунь-дзи. Мистецтво війни

The art of war Sun Tzu


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Річард Флорида. Криза урбанізму. Чому міста роблять нас нещасними

Crisis of urbanism. Why cities make us unhappy Richard Florida


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Лукрецій Кар Тіт. Про природу речей

About the nature of things Lucretius Car Titus


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Гай Юлій Цезар. Нотатки про війну з галлами : з додатком Авла Гірція


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Гомер. Одіссея

Odyssey Homer


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Евріпід. Трагедії

Euripides. Tragedies Euripides


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Сенека. Моральні листи до Луцилія

Moral letters to Lucilius Seneca


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Ціцерон. Про закони. Про державу. Про природу богів

Cicero. About laws. About the state. On the nature of the gods Marcus Tullius Cicero


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Ціцерон. Тускуланські бесіди. Про обов’язки

Cicero. Tusculan talks. About duties Marcus Tullius Cicero


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Ціцерон. Філіппіки. Катон Старший, або Про старість

Cicero. Philippians. Cato the Elder, or On Old Age Marcus Tullius Cicero


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Овідій. Скорботні елегії. Листи з Понту

Sorrowful elegies. Letters from Pontus Published by Ovid Nazon


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Овідій. Ліки від кохання

Medicines for love Published by Ovid Nazon


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Овідій. Метаморфози

Metamorphoses Published by Ovid Nazon


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Паскаль Ґілен. Креативність та інші фундаменталізми. Картинка 1
Паскаль Ґілен. Креативність та інші фундаменталізми. Картинка 2

Creativity and other fundamentalisms Pascal Guillen


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Philosophical literature is an important source of knowledge and inspiration for anyone interested in exploring the depths of the human mind and questions of existence. Books by famous philosophers, philosophical treatises, essays, and scientific works help reveal complex aspects of philosophical concepts, present diverse approaches to problem solving, and provide new ideas for reflection and self-discovery. This literature provides an opportunity for in-depth understanding of the essence of human existence and promotes the development of critical thinking, which is an integral part of education and self-development.

Philosophy forms the basis for the search for truth and understanding of the deeper aspects of human existence. It is an important tool that helps us discover the essence of the world around us and our place in it.

Ancient literature: the roots of philosophical thoughts

Ancient literature is the source of many fundamental philosophical concepts. Works of great thinkers such asSenecaandCicero, reflect essential aspects of philosophical thought, including questions about justice, morality, ideals and the essence of being.

Modern philosophy

Philosophy continues to develop and explore new aspects of the human mind and existence. From analytic philosophy to phenomenology and poststructuralism, philosophers express their thoughts on complex questions about existence, language, society, and technology.

Philosophy and religion: interaction and conflicts

The interaction of philosophy and religion has always been a central theme in human history. They explore the same questions about the essence of being and the meaning of life, but do so from different perspectives. Sometimes this leads to mutual understanding, and sometimes - to conflicts and contradictions.

Philosophy is an inexhaustible source of discovery and reflection that stimulates our thoughts, prompts questions, and contributes to the development of a deeper understanding of the world and ourselves. It helps us better understand humans, opens up new perspectives, and gives us tools to make sense of complex aspects of our existence.

Thira has a wide range of literature on philosophy. From the classic works of ancient thinkers to the modern works of famous philosophers, we have books for every taste and educational level. We offer popular science books for a wide range of readers interested in philosophy. Our specialist librarians are always ready to provide advice and guidance on choosing the book that best suits your interests and needs.

Questions and answers

For beginners in philosophy, we recommend books that offer a clear and accessible description of the main ideas and concepts. These publications will help to get acquainted with thinkers and key philosophical currents.