Books about tyrants


The highest price is ₴650.00

Фідель Кастро. Останній "Католицький король” автора Лоріс Дзанатта

Fidel Castro. The Last "Catholic King" Loris Dzanatta


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Лоренс Ріс. Гітлер і Сталін. Тирани і Друга світова війна

Hitler and Stalin. Tyrants and the Second World War Laurence Rees


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УБИТИ ТИРАНА. Історія тираноборства від Цезаря до Каддафі автора Алдо Андреа Кассі

KILL THE TYRANT. The history of tyranny from Caesar to Gaddafi Aldo Andrea Cassi


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Фрідріх Гаєк. Шлях до рабства

The road to slavery Friedrich Hayek


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Кетрін Ґрейс Кац. Ялтинські доньки. Черчиллі, Рузвельти й Гаррімани: історія про любов і війну.


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Войчех Орлінський. ЛЕМ. Життя не з цієї землі

Lem. Life is not of this earth Wojciech Orlinskyi



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Лоренс Ріс. За лаштунками війни. Сталін, нацисти і Захід

Behind the scenes of the war. Stalin, Nazis and the West Laurence Rees


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Станіслав Вінценз. Діалоги з совєтами

Dialogues with the Soviets Stanislav Vincenz


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Малґожата Реймер. Болото солодше за мед. Голоси комуністичної Албанії

Swamp is sweeter than honey. Voices of Communist Albania Malgozhata Reimer


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Лоренс Ріс. Голокост. Нова історія

the holocaust A new story Laurence Rees


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Ататюрк: Шпигуни султана. Агентурні, саботажницькі та корупційні мережі XVI століття автора Ґюркан Емраг Сафа


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Уильям Далримпл. АНАРХІЯ. Безжальне піднесення Ост-Індської компанії

ANARCHY. The ruthless rise of the East India Company William Dalrymple


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Франко. Анатомія диктатора автора Енріке Морадіельос

Ex. Anatomy of a dictator Enrique Moradielos


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Українська пастка для російського Левіафана авторів Алла Киридон та Сергей Троян

Ukrainian trap for the Russian Leviathan Alla Kyridon, Sergey Troyan


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Тіто. Вічний партизан. Біографія автора Марі-Яніна Каліч

Tito Eternal partisan. Biography Marie-Yanina Kalich


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Перон. Можлива історія автора Орасіо Васкес-Ріаль

Platform. A possible story Horacio Vasquez-Rial


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еоголошені війни Росії проти України у ХХ – на початку ХХІ ст.: Причини і наслідки автора Микола Дорошко


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Неймовірна історія Антоніу Салазара, диктатора, який помер двічі автора Марко Феррарі


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Лібертаріанська перспектива. Від посткомунізму до вільного суспільства авторів Валентин Хохлов, Сергей Башлаков, Владимир Золотарев

A libertarian perspective. From post-communism to a free society Valentin Khokhlov, Sergey Bashlakov, Vladimir Zolotarev


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Микола Дорошко. Геноцидні війни Леніна – Сталіна – Путіна в Україні

The genocidal wars of Lenin-Stalin-Putin in Ukraine Mykola Doroshko


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М. Шюкрю Ганиоглу. Ататюрк: Біографія мислителя

Atatürk: Biography of a Thinker M. Shukryu Hanioglu


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Books about tyrants: learning about the world of tyranny and totalitarianism

Why should you read books about tyrants?

Books about tyrants and totalitarian regimes reveal to readers a dark but extremely important chapter of world history. They help to understand what totalitarianism is and how it affects society and individuals. These books reveal the nature of tyranny, show how power can be used to suppress freedoms, and demonstrate the consequences of political terror.

What is totalitarianism and how does it manifest itself?

Totalitarianism is a form of government in which the state seeks complete control over all aspects of citizens' lives, including the political, social, economic, and even cultural spheres. Books describing a totalitarian regime vividly demonstrate the signs of totalitarianism, such as centralized power, the cult of personality, censorship, mass propaganda, and political terror.

Readers interested in understanding totalitarianism will find in these books many examples from history where tyrants used their power to control the people. Such books help not only to realize the scale of violence and repression, but also warn against a possible repetition of these scenarios in the future.

Books about tyrants: dictators and their regimes

Studying tyrants such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong, and many others allows us to understand how individuals can change the course of history, often to the detriment of millions of people. Books about tyrants explore their rise to power, their methods of governance, and the consequences of their policies.

Tyranny is often accompanied by political terror - the systematic use of violence to intimidate and control the population. In such books you will find detailed descriptions of how tyrants created and maintained their regimes through fear and repression, which allows you to better understand the mechanisms of power and terror.

Signs of totalitarianism: how to recognize the threat

Books highlighting the signs of totalitarianism help readers identify dangerous trends in contemporary politics. These signs include:

1.Centralization of power- when all control levers are concentrated in the hands of one person or a small group.
2.Cult of personality- creating a halo of infallibility and omnipotence around the leader.
3.Mass propaganda- control over the media and the use of propaganda to manipulate public opinion.
4.Repression and political terror- the use of force to suppress any dissent.

These books are an important source of knowledge for those who seek to understand the nature of power and the methods of its maintenance under totalitarian regimes.

Recommended for reading: a selection of books about tyrants and totalitarianism

If you are interested in the topic of tyranny and totalitarianism, we suggest paying attention to the following categories of books:

1.Books about totalitarianism- detailed studies of totalitarian regimes, including description of management methods, political terror and influence on society.

2.Books about tyrants- biographies and analytical studies of tyrants revealing their rise to power and the methods they used to maintain control.

3.Books about signs of totalitarianism- publications that help to recognize threatening trends in politics and warn against repeating historical mistakes.


Reading books about tyrants and totalitarian regimes is not only a study of history, but also an important lesson for modern society. Our online store offers a wide selection of literature that will help you better understand the nature of power, the mechanisms of tyranny, and the dangers of totalitarianism. From books that reveal the signs of totalitarianism to biographies of the greatest tyrants, you will find everything you need for an in-depth study of this subject.

Questions and answers

Books about the totalitarian regime reveal the mechanisms of power used to suppress freedom and control society. They examine the hallmarks of totalitarianism, including propaganda, repression, and personality cults, which characterized regimes such as Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Reading these books will help you better understand how totalitarian systems arise and function.