Short stories and novellas


The highest price is ₴500.00

Томас Манн. «Смерть у Венеції» та інші новели

"Death in Venice" and other short stories Thomas Mann


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Микола Гоголь. Українські повісті. Найкращі переклади

Mykola Gogol. Ukrainian stories. The best translations Mykola Gogol


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Ксенія Фукс. 12 сезонів жінки

12 seasons of a woman Ksenia Fuchs


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Юрій Андрухович. Лексикон інтимних міст

Lexicon of intimate cities Yuriy Andruhovych


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Роза Ауслендер. Час фенікса

Phoenix time Rose Auslander


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Мар'яна Савка. Люди на каві

People having coffee Maryana Savka


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 Гемінґвей Ернест. Чоловіки без жінок

Men without women Ernest Hemingway


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Ернест Гемінґвей. Сніги Кіліманджаро

Snows of Kilimanjaro Ernest Hemingway


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Григорій Квітка-Основ'яненко. Конотопська відьма

Konotop Witch Hryhoriy Kvitka-Osnovyanenko


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Інґеборґ Бахман. Тридцятий рік

Thirtieth year Ingeborg Bachman


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Переступи. Антологія сучасної прози

Trespasses Anthology of modern prose The team of authors


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Григір Тютюнник. Три зозулі з поклоном

Three cuckoos with a bow Grihyr Tyutyunnyk


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Шалені авторки. Мала проза українських письменниць

Crazy authors. Short prose by Ukrainian women writers The team of authors


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Марко Вовчок. Інститутка. Оповідання

Institute. Story Marko Vovchok


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Олена Пчілка. Товаришки. Новели

comrades Novels Olena Pchilka


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Short stories and novellas are an attractive world of short prose, where authors skillfully create bright characters and rich plots. These literary forms have always been an integral part of the world of words, reflecting the depth of human feelings and the variety of life situations.

What are short stories?

A short story is a short narrative piece that skillfully leads the reader from beginning to end, packing important plot elements into several pages. They can be deep philosophical reflections, exciting adventures or just a well-written story with an unexpected ending.

A novella is a slightly larger work, but still short in format, which allows authors to reveal more complex plots and deeper characters. It gives an opportunity to immerse yourself in the topic, to reveal characters and events in greater detail, to immerse yourself in their worlds for a while.

The charm of a short form

One of the main advantages of short stories and novels is their ability to convey emotions and ideas in a compact form. They do not take a lot of time to read, but they can leave a lasting impression and continue to live in the mind of the reader long after the end.

The short form also allows authors to experiment with a variety of styles and genres. They can create fantastic worlds, solve crime mysteries in detective stories, or simply give readers tiny but meaningful moments from the lives of ordinary people.

The role of short stories and novels in the modern world

Today, in the era of fast information, short stories and short stories are becoming especially important. They allow us to stop for a moment and immerse ourselves in the world of art, forgetting about daily worries and stress.

In the world of literature, there is an infinite variety of genres, each of which has its own unique characteristics and appeal to its fans. From thrilling detective stories that keep you on your toes to fantasy worlds where anything is possible, the reflection of bright feelings in poetry and epic adventures in action and adventure , everyone can find something close to their heart. Tira's specialized bookstore offers a wide selection of literary genres, where everyone can find something interesting for themselves. Be it classic masterpieces or modern prose - each book is a world waiting for its discoverer. Expand your worldview, deepen your knowledge, and enjoy reading with Tira!

Questions and answers

Short stories and novellas are short but rich literary works that quickly immerse you in their world. They will complement your literary life with interesting stories and deep impressions. Shop short stories and novellas in our online store for short literary journeys.