Society and culture


The highest price is ₴450.00

Вацлав Сміл. Як насправді влаштований світ. Наука про наше минуле, теперішнє і майбутнє


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Ознаки добра і зла. Забобони. Історія забобонних звичаїв автора Ари Турунен


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Секс та релігія. Від балу цноти до благословенної гомосексуальності? автора Даг Эйстейн Эндшь

Sex and religion. From chastity ball to blessed homosexuality? Doug Eystein Endshow


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Дебра Со. Кінець гендеру.  Розвінчання міфів про стать та ідентичність


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Гілберт Елізабет. Я згодна. Як одна жінка, яка не вірила у шлюб, таки вийшла заміж

I agree. How one woman who did not believe in marriage got married Elizabeth Gilbert


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Лідія Орбан-Лембрик. Коли квітне сакура. Дорожні нотатки психолога

When the cherry blossoms bloom. Travel notes of a psychologist Lidia Orban-Lembryk


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Пітер Сінґер. Визволення тварин. Книга, яка розпочала революцію

Animal liberation. The book that started the revolution Peter Singer


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Томас Совелл. Дискримінація  і нерівність

Discrimination and inequality Thomas Sowell


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Ева Томпсон. Трубадури імперії. Російська література і колоніалізм


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Фрідріх Гаєк. Шлях до рабства

The road to slavery Friedrich Hayek


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Одед Ґалор. Подорож людства. Витоки багатства і нерівності


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Володимир Єрмоленко. Ерос і Психея

Eros and Psyche Volodymyr Yermolenko


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Євгенія Завалій. Міста в які ти поїдеш

The cities you will go to Evgenia Zavaliy


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Олесь Доній. Трансформація української національної ідеї

Transformation of the Ukrainian national idea Oles Donii


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Жорж Санд. Про літературу та мистецтво

George Sand. About literature and art George Sand


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Паскаль Ґілен. Креативність та інші фундаменталізми. Картинка 1
Паскаль Ґілен. Креативність та інші фундаменталізми. Картинка 2

Creativity and other fundamentalisms Pascal Guillen


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Society and culture is a broad and fascinating field that examines various aspects of culture, from its historical roots to contemporary manifestations in society. Books about society and culture make it possible to understand the complexity of cultural phenomena, their impact on society and individual human development.

In the "Society and Culture" section of our store, you will find a variety of works covering various aspects of culture: from art and literature to popular culture and popular cultural phenomena. You will deepen your knowledge of cultural history, explore the theories and concepts behind various cultural practices, and learn about the impact of culture on society.

Whether you're interested in classic cultural artifacts, contemporary cultural phenomena, or the influence of culture on contemporary trends, you'll find books in our selection that will expand your knowledge and deepen your understanding of the world. Let's travel together in the exciting world of literature about society and culture together!

Studyeconomy and financeopens a wide world of knowledge about the functioning of modern society and its relationships. Books on economics will help to understand the key concepts, market processes and management strategies that determine the economic development of the country and the world.

In the modern world, psychology plays an important role in understanding human nature, mechanisms of thinking and behavior.Books on psychologywill help you better understand yourself and others, optimize interaction with the world around you.

Policy- this is not only a game of power, but also a mechanism for regulating social relations and solving global problems. Books on politics will help to understand the complex mechanisms of political processes, analyze and evaluate political decisions and their consequences.

Self-development and motivation- this is the key to personal growth and achieving success in various spheres of life. Self-development books offer valuable advice and strategies aimed at developing leadership skills, increasing productivity and achieving personal harmony.

Questions and answers

We have books that will help you understand current social events and currents. The literature covers the topics of social change, globalization and the influence of media on society.