Books about the history of Ukraine


The highest price is ₴1,780.00

Олеся Ісаюк. Роман Шухевич.  Життя легенди

Roman Shukhevich. The life of a legend Olesya Isayuk


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Сергій Леп’явко. Козацькі війни кінця XVI ст. в Україні

Cossack wars of the end of the 16th century. in Ukraine Serhiy Lepyavko


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Атлас історії України
Атлас історії України. Картинка 2

Atlas of the history of Ukraine


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Олесь Доній. Трансформація української національної ідеї

Transformation of the Ukrainian national idea Oles Donii


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Юджин Фішел. Московський фактор. Політика США щодо суверенної України та Кремль


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Андрій Козицький. Кремлівська брехня про Голодомор 1932–1933 рр. в Україні

Kremlin lies about the Holodomor of 1932–1933. in Ukraine Andriy Kozytskyi


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Роман Клочко. Невидима битва. Як дисиденти боролися за незалежність України


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Станіслав Вінценз. Діалоги з совєтами

Dialogues with the Soviets Stanislav Vincenz


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Катерина Зарембо. Схід українського сонця. Історії Донеччини та Луганщини початку ХХІ століття


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Святослав Семенюк. Правдива історія України-Русі

The true history of Ukraine-Russia Svyatoslav Semenyuk


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Ярослав Трінчук. Україна: війни, битви, персони

Ukraine: wars, battles, people Yaroslav Trinchuk


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Павло Скоропадський. Спогади 1917-1918

Skoropadskyi. Memories of 1917-1918 Pavlo Skoropadskyi


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Сергій Громенко. Скоропадський і Крим. Від протистояння до приєднання

Skoropadsky and Crimea. From opposition to joining Serhii Gromenko


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Олена Волосевич. Легенди України. Карпати

Legends of Ukraine. Carpathians Olena Volosevich


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О. Волосевич. Л. Юрченко. Легенди Києва та Наддніпрянщини

Legends of Kyiv and Transnistria Lyudmila Yurchenko, Olena Volosevich


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Юрій Скіра. "СОЛІД". Взуттєва фабрика життя

"SOLID". Shoe factory of life Yuriy Skira



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УПА. Історія нескорених

UPA The story of the unconquered Volodymyr Vyatrovych, Ruslan Zabiliy, Ihor Derevyanyi, Peter Sodol



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Вахтанг Кіпіані. Зродились ми великої години... ОУН УПА Історична правда

We were born in a great hour... OUN UPA Historical truth Vakhtang Kipiani


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Ukraїner. Деокупація. Історії опору українців

Deoccupation. Stories of Ukrainian resistance Bohdan Logvinenko


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Микола Дорошко. Геноцидні війни Леніна – Сталіна – Путіна в Україні

The genocidal wars of Lenin-Stalin-Putin in Ukraine Mykola Doroshko


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Вахтанг Кіпіані. Війна двох правд Поляки та українці у кривавому ХХ столітті


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Атлас репродукцій. Рукописні карти XVI-XIX ст. Картинка 1
Атлас репродукцій. Рукописні карти XVI-XIX ст. Картинка 2


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Едуард Андрющенко. Архіви КГБ. Невигадані історії

KGB archives. Uninvented stories Eduard Andryushchenko


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MacPaw. Innovation in isolation: the story of Ukrainian IT from the 1940’s to present

Innovation in isolation: the story of Ukrainian IT from the 1940's to the present Volodymyr Nevzorov, Victoria Ugryumova


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Reporters. 77 днів лютого. Україна між двома символічними датами російської ідеології війни


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Олександр Палій. A history of Ukraine (Історія України)

A history of Ukraine Oleksandr Paliy


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Олександр Михед. "Я змішаю твою кров із вугіллям". Зрозуміти український Схід

"I will mix your blood with coal." To understand the Ukrainian East Oleksandr Mykhed


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Books about the history of Ukraine: learning about the past through literature

Why should you read books about the history of Ukraine?

The history of Ukraine is a topic that tells about the multifaceted and dramatic path of the nation, which went through numerous trials, from the struggle for independence to the formation of a modern state. Books about the history of Ukraine allow you to immerse yourself in these events, understand their causes and consequences, as well as feel the cultural and national identity of Ukrainians. Reading such books is important both for a deeper understanding of historical processes and for preserving national memory.

History of Ukraine in books: from Kievan Rus to the present day

Books about the history of Ukraine cover a wide period - from ancient times to modern times. They tell about the founding of Kievan Rus, the era of the Cossacks, the struggle for independence in the 20th century, as well as about the events taking place in Ukraine today.

For those who wish to learn more about the history of Ukraine, there are numerous books covering various aspects of the life of the Ukrainian people. They help to better understand how Ukrainian state institutions were formed, what events influenced the formation of national consciousness, and how Ukrainian culture developed over the centuries.

Books about the history of Ukraine: what should be read?

If you are looking for books about the history of Ukraine that are worth reading, pay attention to the following categories:

1. General reviews of the history of Ukraine- these books provide a broad panorama of historical events that took place on the territory of modern Ukraine. They cover key periods, starting with Kyivan Rus, through the Hetmanate, to the events of the 20th and 21st centuries. Such books are an excellent choice for those who want to get a general idea of ​​the history of Ukraine.

2. Specialized studies- for readers who wish to study a certain period or event in more depth, there are books that analyze in detail certain aspects of Ukrainian history. These can be studies on national liberation movements, the history of the Ukrainian Cossacks, or books devoted to political and cultural events.

3. Biographies of prominent Ukrainians- these books tell about the life and activities of famous figures who made a significant contribution to the development of Ukraine. They help to better understand how individual personalities influenced the course of history and the formation of Ukrainian statehood.

Recommended for reading: books about the history of Ukraine

Among the books on the history of Ukraine that are worth reading, you can find both general overviews and in-depth analytical studies. They will help you to better understand the historical context of modern Ukraine, to feel the connection with the past and to understand the challenges that our country faced and is facing.

Here are a few book categories to consider:

1. "History of Ukraine"- universal textbooks and reviews that offer a holistic vision of the country's historical development. Such books will be an excellent start for those who are just beginning their acquaintance with the history of Ukraine.

2. Books about key events and eras- for those who want to focus on a certain period, for example, the Cossack era, the Ukrainian revolution or the modern war for independence.

3. Biographies of famous Ukrainian figures- publications that tell about the life and activities of prominent Ukrainians, such as Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, Taras Shevchenko, or modern political leaders. These books add a personal dimension to the study of history.


Reading books about the history of Ukraine is the key to understanding its rich and complex past. Our online store offers a wide selection of literature covering various aspects of the history of Ukraine. Whether you are looking for a general overview or a detailed analysis of a specific period, we have books that will help you delve deeper into the history of Ukraine and discover new facets of its heritage.

Questions and answers

Books about the history of the UPA reveal one of the most important and dramatic periods in the history of Ukraine. They describe the struggle of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army for independence, their courage and dedication to the cause. These books provide an in-depth analysis of the events, documentary evidence and memories of the participants, making them an indispensable source of knowledge for anyone interested in the history of Ukraine.