Parenting and raising children


The highest price is ₴450.00

Філіппа Перрі. Важливо щоб ваші батьки прочитали цю книжку(а ваші діти радітимуть якщо і ви це зробите)


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Барб-Ґалль Франсуаза. Як розмовляти з дітьми про мистецтво ХХ століття

How to talk to children about the art of the 20th century Barb-Gall Françoise


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Барб-Ґалль Франсуаза. Як розмовляти з дітьми про мистецтво

How to talk to children about art Barb-Gall Françoise


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Джоанна Файбер. Як говорити так, щоб  маленькі діти слухали. Виживання з дітьми 2–7 років


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Вільям Стіксрад, Нед Джонсон. Самостійна дитина: як навчити дітей упорядковувати власне життя

An independent child: how to teach children to organize their own lives William Sticksrad, Ned Johnson


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Джоан Деклер. Емоційний інтелект у дитини

Emotional intelligence in a child Joan Decler


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Кара Неттерсон. Тонке мистецтво виховання синів

The subtle art of raising sons Kara Netterson


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Єспер Юль. Ваша компетентна дитина.Шлях до нових цінностей вашої сім`ї


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Джуліанна Майнер. Діти екранів. Як узяти найкорисніше і мінімізувати шкоду в цифрову епоху


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Емі Маккріді. Я!Я!Я! Як перевиховати егоїстичну дитину (або її батьків)

I!I!I! How to re-educate a selfish child (or his parents) Amy McCready


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Мері Пайфер. Як допомогти дівчинці-підлітку

How to help a teenage girl Mary Pifer


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Кендра Адачі. Лінива геніальна мама.  Як встигати найголовніше і залишати час для себе


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Ебіґейл Такер. Біологія материнства. Сучасна наука про древній материнський інстинкт


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Наталія Дорошенко. Як дитині потрапити в кіно. Практичний посібник для батьків

How to get a child to the cinema. A practical guide for parents Natalia Doroshenko


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Юлія Ярмоленко. Без маячні про перші місячні

Without delusions about the first period Yulia Yarmolenko


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Parenthood is the most important role in many people's lives. Raising a child is the most responsible task that requires attention, patience and love. Books from the category "Parenting and raising children" are an important source of knowledge and advice for those who are preparing to become parents or are already in the role of a father or mother.

Preparation for parenthood

Before the birth of a child, it is important to prepare for the new challenges that parenthood will bring. Parenting books help expectant parents to reduce anxiety and teach them how to effectively communicate and interact with their baby from the first days of his life.

Education and development of children

After the birth of a child, parents constantly have to face new situations and tasks. Books on education and development of children provide useful advice on creating an effective system of education, development of communication skills, education of positive thinking and contribute to the formation of a healthy psychological climate in the family.

Understanding and support

In addition, books from this category help parents better understand their children, their needs and feelings, teach empathy and proper communication. They also provide advice on supporting the child in various aspects of life, from learning to conflict resolution.

Educational and practical materials

Most of the books in this category combine theoretical material with practical advice and exercises that help you put the acquired knowledge into practice. They will be useful both to new parents and to those who want to improve their parenting skills and create a harmonious relationship with children.

In the world of books, there is an endless variety of topics that reflect different aspects of our lives and are suitable for people with different interests.Reference booksprovide useful reference information in various fields, from the peculiarities of spelling to issues of science and technology.Health andfitnesswill be of interest to everyone who wants to preserve their health and learn more about proper nutrition, physical exercises, mental harmony and modern methods of improvement.Food and cookingattracts the attention of gourmets and culinary enthusiasts who like to experiment with flavors and create new dishes.Psychologywill help to understand the human psyche and make a journey into the world of emotions.Businesswill interest those who dream of their own exercise and a successful career.Policyallow to better understand the relations between countries, economic processes and social changes that shape our world.Self-development and motivationwill open up new opportunities for personal development and success in all spheres of life.

Questions and answers

In our store you will find literature that will help your child develop independence. Parenting books include advice on developing independence and responsibility skills in young children.