Health and fitness


The highest price is ₴350.00

Гільде та Ульва Естбю. Углиб за морським коником. Книжка про пам’ять, яка запам’ятається

Deep behind the seahorse. A book about memory that will be remembered Hilde Estbue, Ulva Estbue


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Шарон Моалем. Генетичний джекпот.Чому жінки насправді сильніші за чоловіків

Genetic jackpot. Why women are actually stronger than men Sharon Moalem


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Дженніфер Дудна, Семюель Стернберг. Зламати ДНК. Редагування генома та контроль над еволюцією

Break the DNA. Genome editing and the control of evolution Jennifer Doudna, Samuel Sternberg


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Гел Елрод. Чудовий ранок. Як не проспати життя

A wonderful morning. How not to sleep through life Hal Elrod


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Оксана Півень. Без ГМО. Правда і страшилки про генну інженерію


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Бі Вілсон. Що ми їмо. Як харчова революція змінює наші життя і світ навколо


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 Марк Айзенберг, Крістофер Келлі. Лікарю, я помираю? Вичерпний довідник симптомів і що робити даліa

Doctor, am I dying? A comprehensive guide to symptoms and what to do next Mark Eisenberg, Christopher Kelly


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Юлія Ярмоленко. Без маячні про перші місячні

Without delusions about the first period Yulia Yarmolenko


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Віктор Мандзяк. Тренер дозволяє! 50 міфів про схуднення

The coach allows! 50 myths about losing weight Victor Mandziak


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Меґан Джейн Кребб. Сила бодипозитиву

The power of body positivity Megan Jane Crabb


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Джордж Зайдан. Інгредієнти. Справжній склад того, що ми їмо й наносимо на шкіру


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Роб Найт, Брендан Бюлер. Прислухайтесь до свого організму вплив крихітних мікробів

Listen to the influence of tiny microbes on your body Rob Knight, Brendan Buhler


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Марш Генрі. І наостанок

And finally Marsh Henry


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Олівер Сакс. Пробудження

Awakening Oliver Sachs


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Генрі Мінцберґ. Міфи про охорону здоров'я

Myths about health care Henry Mintzberg


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In a world where health is the most important asset, health and fitness books are becoming an integral part of our lives. They help us understand human physiology and psychology, learn about prevention and treatment methods, and learn about the latest medical advances and research.

The "Health and Fitness" book category on our website offers a wide selection of literature for anyone interested in maintaining and improving their health. Here you will find books on various topics: from general principles of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition to sports.

Are you looking to maintain your physical and mental health, learn about disease prevention, or understand complex medical issues? No matter what your goal is, in our Health & Fitness category, you'll find books to help you reach your goals and keep your health at a high level.

Looking for answers to questions about various aspects of life? In the category "Reference books" of our store you will find useful reference sources of information on various topics.

Do you dream of improving your cooking skills or surprising your loved ones with new dishes? In our collection "Food and Cooking" you will find recipes for every taste and occasion, from simple dishes for beginners to sophisticated gastronomic masterpieces.

Are you looking for ways to overcome stress, develop strong mental health, and maintain your psychological resilience? Visit our section "Psychology" and find answers to your questions, advice and recommendations from leading experts in the field.

Interested in personal growth and increased efficiency? In the section "Self-development and motivation" you will find books that will help you become the best version of yourself.

Do you want to maintain your physical health and maintain an active lifestyle? In our Health and Fitness section, you'll find books on various sports, fitness programs, healthy lifestyle tips, and more.

Questions and answers

Yes, we have books for girls that include skin care, makeup and hygiene tips. Literature covers the topic of beauty and health.