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Pabulum publishing house is a source of useful books for people in creative professions related to the word. The assortment includes literature aboutwriting and journalism,health and fitness, as well aspopular scientific literature. Special attention is paid to the classicsof Ukrainian literatureand modern Ukrainian prose.
Books published by Pabulum promote the development of creative skills, encourage the discovery of new ideas and inspire self-realization. They contain practical advice, interesting life hacks, effective tools and useful information.
Among the most popular authors are Rostyslav Semkiv, Grihyr Tyutyunnyk, Ivan Nechuy-Levytskyi, Olga Kobylyanska, Staska Padalka, Tetiana Teren and others. In 2023, the publishing house launched the literary series "Svoya Klasika", which includes works intended to reset readers' perceptions of Ukrainian culture.
Pabulum publishing house was founded by the co-founders of the "Litosvita" project, Dmytro Stretovych and Iryna Osadchuk. Pabulum's mission is to help creative people realize themselves, raise the level of Ukrainian-language content, and develop Ukrainian culture.
Unfortunately, in April 2024, it was announced that the publishing house would be closed due to a change in the team's life circumstances and priorities. However, you can still find Pabulum literature in the book categories on the Tyra website.
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Pabulum publishes books for people in creative professions related to writing, as well as Ukrainian classic literature.
In April 2024, the publishing house "Pabulum" announced its closure[
Pabulum publishing house attracts readers with classic works of Ukrainian literature. The publisher's books are also popular among those who plan to become a writer or journalist.
In addition to publishing classical literature, the publishing house cooperates with modern authors, such as Viktor Domontovych, Mike Johansen, Rostyslav Semkiv, Peter Singer and others.
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