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Надія Сухорукова. #Маріуполь #Надія

#Mariupol #Nadia Nadiya Sukhorukova


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Reporters. 77 днів лютого. Україна між двома символічними датами російської ідеології війни


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Дмитро Вербич. Точка неповернення

The point of no return Dmytro Verbych


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Андрій Мероник. 24.02. Щоденник війни

24.02. War diary Andriy Meronyk


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Володимир Рафєєнко. Війна 2022: щоденники, есеї, поезія

War 2022: Diaries, Essays, Poetry Volodymyr Rafeenko


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Світлана Вертола. Юна. Війна

Yuna War Svetlana Vertola


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Євгенія Кузнєцова. Драбина

Ladder Evgenia Kuznetsova


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Сергій Жадан. ANARCHY IN THE UKR. Луганський щоденник. Бігти не зупиняючись

ANARCHY IN THE UKRAINE. Luhansk diary. Run without stopping Serhii Zhadan


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Сергій Жадан. Інтернат

Boarding school Serhii Zhadan


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Андрій Любка. Війна з тильного боку

War from the rear Andriy Lyubka


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Books about war and the military

The Russian-Ukrainian war is one of the most tragic pages in the modern history of Ukraine, which has been ongoing since 2014. It has a significant impact on society, culture and international relations. Books are an important tool for recording the events and experiences of people affected by war.

Books about the war in Ukraine

Publications on this topic explore both the causes and consequences of the conflict, as well as the emotional state of people who experience it, including post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. The books also analyze the history of relations between Ukraine and Russia, looking at the political and social factors that led to the war. Special attention is paid to the lives of people on the front lines, their real stories and experiences.

The war in Ukraine has been going on for more than 10 years, and during this time Ukrainian writers managed to reflect on the events in their works. Some of them fought directly, some helped as volunteers, and some survived the horrors of captivity. They provide a deep understanding of the conflict, help to feel the emotions of people living through the war, and preserve the memory of heroic deeds and losses.

Choosing these publications will allow you to delve into the realities of modern Ukraine, feel the struggle and hope of people living on the front lines, and understand the scale and consequences of the war.

Questions and answers

Books about war provide a deep understanding of historical events and their consequences. They help to better understand the difficult moments of the past. Buy books about the war in our online store for a better understanding of historical events.