Shoes are life. The history of Nike from the founder of the company | Phil Knight
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Shoes are life. The history of Nike from the founder of the company | Phil Knight
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Cover: Hardcover
Number of pages: 432
Language: Ukrainian
Publication year: 2022
Dimensions: 21.0 x 14.0
Genres: Business, Documentary books, Management books, New books, Non Fiction
The book "Shoes-being: The history of Nike from the founder of the company" by Phil Knight is a fascinating story about the origin and development of a huge shoe company that started its journey with fifty borrowed dollars.
Phil Knight shares his incredible journey of how he was able to close multi-million dollar deals with minimal financial resources and stay profitable. The book reveals how Phil assembled a team of professionals and managed to lose only two top managers over the years. She also sees running as a way of doing business and a philosophy that helped Knight build his own shoe empire.
This book is intended for a wide range of readers, especially those interested in business, success stories, management and marketing. It offers a unique opportunity to learn about the true history of the formation and development of Nike from the company's founder himself.
Phil Knight is an American businessman who became the founder of Nike. He is a graduate of the University of Oregon and Stanford Business School. This book is a rare opportunity to learn about his impressive success and the birth of one of the most famous shoe brands in the world.
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