How to avert a climate catastrophe. Where are we now and what should we do next? | Bill Gates
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How to avert a climate catastrophe. Where are we now and what should we do next? | Bill Gates
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Cover: Hardcover
Number of pages: 240
Language: Ukrainian
Publication year: 2021
Dimensions: 24.0 x 17.0
Genres: Popular science literature, New books, Non Fiction
About the book "How to avert a climate catastrophe"
In 2020, the world mobilized enormous resources to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. But, according to Microsoft founder Bill Gates, even more serious challenges await us in the future due to climate change. Devastating floods, storms, fires and droughts can cause catastrophic damage to humanity, and economic losses can exceed those of a pandemic.
Bill Gates has devoted more than ten years to researching the problems of climate change, and this book is the result of his scientific achievements. Traveling the world and talking to experts in physics, chemistry, biology, technology, politics and finance, he formed a plan aimed at avoiding a global environmental catastrophe. The main goal is to reduce carbon emissions to zero, which Gates considers the only possible way to save the planet.
We know that industry has a negative impact on nature, but few people understand the scale of this damage. Gates talks about how things like meat production, harvesting crops, using fertilizers, and making the products we use every day cause enormous damage to the environment. The book also answers the question of whether the latest technology, electric cars and reforestation can save us from the ecological crisis.
Why you should read "How to avert a climate catastrophe"
- Gives specific advice and clearly explains how everyone can reduce their "carbon footprint" and what it is.
- Offers innovative solutions for both business and ordinary consumers that contribute to the protection of the planet.
- Based on scientific facts presented in an accessible form. The book not only informs, but also gives advice on actions.
- Opens new aspects of renewable energy, rejection of plastic and transition to more ecological technologies.
About Bill Gates
Bill Gates is a famous American entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist, one of the founders of Microsoft and an active participant in solving global problems, including climate change.
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