Collection: Stary Lev

99 products

We are pleased to present to you the edition of "Stary Lev Publishing House" (VSL), which since its foundation at the beginning of the 21st century in Lviv has won the love and recognition of readers not only in Ukraine, but also abroad.

The range of publications of "Stary Lev Publishing House" includes:

  • Adult literature:poetry,modern prose,non-fiction.
  • Children's artandeducational literature: special attention is paid to the quality of texts and illustrations to provide the youngest readers with good and intelligent books.
  • Book series for the winter holidays: magical stories for the festive mood.
  • Books about Lviv: about the cultural heritage of this wonderful city.
  • Cooking books: delicious recipes and tips from leading chefs.
  • Business literature: for those who seek professional development.
  • Album editions: books that impress with their design and content.
  • Each edition of "VSL" is a small work of art, combining unsurpassed drawings, original design and unique texts from world authors. VSL strives for better changes in society, creating a new reality in which books occupy an important place.

It is worth noting that "Stary Lev Publishing House" is actively increasing the number of its publications: over the past five years, their number has increased from 18 to 115, and circulation is constantly increasing.

VSL conducts active social activities, maintaining close contact with the readership. They organize book presentations, meetings with authors, author tours of Ukrainian cities, literary evenings, festive events and master classes of authors and artists.

"Stary Lev Publishing House" proves that Ukrainian books are high-quality, fashionable and interesting. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the excellent editions of VSL in the Tir online book store. Choose the best for yourself and your loved ones and enjoy reading!

Questions and answers

What genres of literature does the Stary Lev publishing house publish?

Stary Lev Publishing House publishes books of various genres, such as children's, fiction and educational literature, modern prose, poetry, popular science literature and culinary publications. Special attention is paid to quality and uniqueness.

What genres of books are most popular among readers of the Stary Lev publishing house?

Stary Lev is in demand thanks to children's fiction, modern prose and poetry. Books about culture and self-development are also popular.

Which authors work with the Stary Lev publishing house?

Stary Lev publishes books by Ukrainian and international authors such as Terry Pratchett, Artem Cheh, Anastasia Biletska, as well as authors of children's literature such as Halyna Vdovichenko and Megan MacDonald.