Warren A. Cohen

Warren A. Cohen — an American historian, a specialist in the history of international relations, especially known for his works on Sino-American relations and US foreign policy. He is the author of the book"America's Response to China",where he examines the influence of American diplomacy on China and relations between the countries from the 19th century to the present. Cohen has held positions as professor of history at several universities and actively researches issues of international relations and diplomacy.

Warren A. Cohen is the author of the book"A Nation Like All Others: A Brief History of American Foreign Relations"(Ukrainian: "The same state as all others. A brief history of US international relations"). In this book, he examines American foreign policy from the founding of the United States to the present, critically examining the concept of American exceptionalism and highlighting key stages of American diplomacy, including the Cold War and contemporary challenges in the Middle East.


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