Steven Hensilman

Stephen Hensilman is a contemporary thinker and writer dedicated to popularizing Stoicism, an ancient philosophy that promises peace and wisdom in the midst of the chaos of modern life. With a background in publishing and an understanding of how to communicate complex ideas to a wide audience, Hensilman has transformed Stoicism into a relevant and practical philosophy for today’s reader. He shows that the wisdom of the ancient Stoics can be applied to our lives, helping us overcome stress, make wise decisions, and live happier lives.

In his books, Hensilman analyzes the texts of ancient Stoics such as Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Seneca, translating their wisdom into modern language. He offers practical exercises and advice to help readers apply Stoic principles in everyday life.

Working with Ryan Holliday, Hensilman created the online resource DailyStoic, which offers readers a daily quote from Stoic philosophers and reflections on it. The project has become extremely popular, uniting thousands of people from around the world who aspire to live according to the principles of Stoicism.


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